Sunday, October 29, 2006

"Just Say No"

Sellersburg, Indiana - 620 miles outside the Beltway

The Washington Times reports on a campaign rally:

Swooping into a Republican stronghold that on Election Day will be an early harbinger of whether Republicans hold control of Congress, [President George W.] Bush led the crowd in a chant that gave new meaning to an old Reagan-era slogan.

"The Democrats in Washington follow a simple philosophy: Just say no," the president said.

"When it comes to listening in on the terrorists, what's the Democratic answer? Just say no. When it comes to detaining terrorists, what's the Democrat answer?" Mr. Bush asked.

"Just say no!" the crowd shouted.

"So when the Democrats ask for your vote on Nov. 7, what are you going to say?"

"Just say no!" the audience replied.

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