Monday, November 28, 2005

Baltimore City Council Too Busy to Fight Crime

From The Washington Times:

The Baltimore City Council last week unanimously approved a resolution that urges President Bush and Congress to "commence a humane, orderly, immediate and comprehensive withdrawal" of military personnel and bases from Iraq...

Maryland's governor and the state's Republican Party were displeased with the council's action.

"It's clearly political grandstanding by the city council," said Audra Miller, a spokeswoman for the Maryland Republican Party. "They should concern themselves with the war going on in Baltimore every day."

Shareese DeLeaver, spokeswoman for Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., a Republican, said that Mr. Bush commands the Maryland National Guard and that the council should be more focused on the city's "failing schools" and high crime rate...

Meanwhile, Baltimore last week was identified by Morgan Quitno Press as the sixth most-dangerous city in America.

As we noted, Baltimore even outranks DC on that list.

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